Although many people are registering for money, there are still a lot of customers who are not registering. Although there is a situation where the registrants do not get the opportunity to change the money.
There has also been a section of people who have failed to register for so long, so even those who have not registered are waiting to register anew.
The important thing is that there is an opportunity to register anew while correcting mistakes made in the record.
The money is coming back to all those who re-registered and re-registered. Of these, only delays are said to be a major offense against the Lodha Committee.
In a way, people are one of the reasons for this delay, which is due to many mistakes in the record.
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What do most of these people think? Many people register in different ways because they do not know the exact information when registering in a lot of net centers.
SEBI has stated that it should not be registered even if there is an acknowledgment, however, they have also registered as there was an acknowledgment bond.
If there is an opportunity to register anew or register an acknowledgment in the coming months, they will have pre-registered the number to see the acknowledgment if it is the same website.
I do not know what kind of problem will arise then? That means there are opportunities to even show that it is a pre-registered policy and PACL Insurance Latest update.
Sebi and the Lodha Committee PACL Decision
For example, there are fears that many of these issues may arise in the future, so it may be helpful to keep track of those who know as much as possible about the PACL in the future also.
Only then will the Sebi and the Lodha Committee not take much time, six months to rectify the mistake we make and the next six months to re-register.
There is an opinion that the committee is not able to give the money to the people at present, for which it can open branches directly and give money to the people.
Although this idea is currently one of the reasons Corona is not possible, it is absolutely a tough thing to re-open branches all over India and pay people, So it is the opinion of PACL customers that the difficulties of doing the work we do properly will be reduced.
PACL சம்பந்தப்பட்ட செய்திகளை கடந்த 6 ஆண்டுகளுக்கும் மேலாக மக்களுக்கு வழங்கி வருகிறேன், மேலும் இது சம்பந்தமான கூடுதல் தகவலுக்கு எங்கள் PACL வலைத்தளத்தை பின்தொடருங்கள்.